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Steve Jobs responde Greenpeace [atualizado]

Greener AppleEm resposta ao ataque do Greenpeace, a Apple declarou que o iPhone (assim como os demais produtos que fabrica) cumpre o padrão às restrições a substâncias tóxicas (RoHS – Restriction of Hazardous Substances) — normas e restrições mais duras em todo o mundo no que se refere a substâncias tóxicas em eletrônicos.


Em uma carta aberta feita no começo deste ano, Steve Jobs escreve sobre a nova postura que a Apple passaria a adotar em relação a utilização de substâncias tóxicas em seus produtos. Confiram o último trecho da carta onde Steve fala sobre o futuro “verde” da Apple:

The Future

Today is the first time we have openly discussed our plans to become a greener Apple. It will not be the last. We will be providing updates of our efforts and accomplishments at least annually, most likely around this time of the year. And we plan to bring other environmental issues to the table as well, such as the energy efficiency of the products in our industry. We are also beginning to explore the overall carbon “footprint” of our products, and may have some interesting data and issues to share later this year.

I hope you are as delighted as I was when I first learned how far along Apple actually is in removing toxic chemicals from its products and recycling its older products. We apologize for leaving you in the dark for this long. Apple is already a leader in innovation and engineering, and we are applying these same talents to become an environmental leader. Based on our tangible actions and results over time, hopefully our customers, employees, shareholders and professional colleagues will all feel proud of our ongoing efforts to become a greener Apple.

-Steve Jobs.

O conteúdo completo da carta pode ser conferido aqui.

Atualização (16/10/2007 às 16:09): corrigida informação sobre o comentário de Steve Jobs e data de publicação da carta aberta no Apple.com.

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