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Apple oferece suporte técnico via chat 24/7 para assinantes do MobileMe

MobileMe Live Chat SupportA Apple anunciou hoje que o suporte técnico via chat do MobileMe está agora disponível 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana. O serviço só é oferecido por enquanto na língua inglesa, mas usuários do mundo todo podem usufruir do mesmo.


Se você tiver qualquer problema com a sua conta MobileMe e precisar resolvê-lo imediatamente, basta visitar a página de suporte do serviço, procurar a pergunta relacionada e, se as orientações lá presentes não forem satisfatórias, você pode clicar em “Chat Now” para abrir uma janela de bate-papo com um representante da Apple.

O MacMagazine, é claro, experimentou a novidade. Para termos algum assunto a tratar no chat, resolvi puxar o assunto da conta de email da atriz Salma Hayek, invadida por hackers na semana passada. Felizmente, o atendente sabia do ocorrido e foi bastante prestativo ao ouvir a minha sugestão e me orientar a escolher perguntas de recuperação de senhas que somente eu saiba responder.

MobileMe Live Chat Support

MobileMe Live Chat Support

Confira abaixo todo o bate-papo:


You are chatting with Marshall S, a MobileMe Support Representative
Hi, my name is Marshall S. Welcome to Apple!

Rafael Fischmann: Hi, Marshall, how are you?

Marshall S: Hi Rafael. I’m doing great, thank you.

Marshall S: How are you besides concerns about passwords?

Rafael Fischmann: I’m very good, thanks for asking. So I’ve decided to experiment with this MobileMe Support Service and was wondering about last week’s news about some hackers that broke into Salma Hayek’s (Hollywood actress) MobileMe account.

Rafael Fischmann: I just wanted to know if it’s really easy to recover or generate new passwords from simple answers using the “Forgot It” password page in MobileMe.

Marshall S: I heard about it and it is very unfortunate.

Rafael Fischmann: I mean, wouldn’t it be better if your system asked the users a few very personal questions and than MAILED the new password to a secondary email account? That’d make it much more secure, in my opinion.

Marshall S: The problem that people have is their password question is too easy. You want to make one that only you would know (give or take a few people)

Marshall S: Do you mean postal mail or electronic?

Rafael Fischmann: Yeah, that’s right. Maybe a Hollywood actress is much too exposed.

Marshall S: Sorry, you said email.

Rafael Fischmann: Electronic mail. The hacker would at least have to have access to the other email account as well. A few password recovery systems I know work like that.

Marshall S: Well, we definitely appreciate your feedback on this matter.

Rafael Fischmann: Good on you. Thanks for your time, Marshall. This is a very nice way for customers to solve their problems, congrats to Apple for that.

Marshall S: Apple recognizes that our best advice comes from our customers and that they are instrumental in the improvement of the MobileMe suite of services. So it would be great if you would make a suggestion. Here’s the link Rafael.

Marshall S: http://www.apple.com/feedback/mobileme.html

Rafael Fischmann: Great. I’ll do that for sure.

Marshall S: Oh thank you very much!

Rafael Fischmann: You have a great day! 😉

Marshall S: You too Rafael! I hope I have been of assistance today.

Thank you for chatting with us. We value your feedback. Please click the blue “Close” button at top left to answer a few questions about your experience with us today.

Após a conversa, a Apple ainda dá a oportunidade de o usuário avaliar o atendimento com rápidas perguntas objetivas, além de um campo para comentários e sugestões subjetivas.

MobileMe Live Chat Support

Se você quiser, ainda pode solicitar que o sistema envie o histórico do chat para o seu email:

Chat do MobileMe Live Support

Na minha opinião, a Apple mandou muito bem com o serviço. Fiquei extremamente satisfeito e não esperei nem cinco segundos pra ser atendido. Espero que a qualidade continue sempre lá em cima.

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