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Apple libera iPhone SDK 3.1 e iPhone OS 3.1 beta 2 para desenvolvedores

A Apple disponibilizou agora há pouco a segunda versão beta de ambos iPhone SDK e iPhone OS 3.1 para desenvolvedores.


iPhone OS 3.1 beta 2

Como sempre, detalhes não foram divulgados pela empresa, mas serão comentados pelo MacMagazine à medida que forem descobertos. O build atual do SDK é o 9M2804, enquanto o do iPhone OS passa a ser o 7C106c.

Para desenvolvedores, a grande novidade parece ser a possibilidade de se conectar aos gadgets via Wi-Fi usando o Instruments:

As of iPhone OS SDK 3.1, it is now possible to connect to your developer devices from Instruments (on your Leopard or Snow Leopard OS X machine) using Wi-Fi rather than the USB tether. The Wi-Fi connection is 100% fully featured and supports all of the instrumentation you would normally get over the tether. It is intended for use by developers who need to attach other USB devices to their iPhone OS–based device while doing their performance analysis. The feature may also be used in situations where having the USB tether is simply impractical or inconvenient.

If you do not need to attach other USB devices, the USB connection is still preferred for general usage. The Wi-Fi connection is slower than the USB connection and requires more power from the device to accommodate the heavy Wi-Fi traffic that can come from Instruments. As a result, using the Wi-Fi connection will drain the device’s battery more rapidly than other scenarios. In addition, you cannot install applications on your device from Xcode over Wi-Fi, nor can you debug them over Wi-Fi using Xcode. You must still use the USB tether to connect to the device using Xcode.

To use this Instruments feature, both your Macintosh computer and your iPhone OS device must have Wi-Fi enabled and must be connected to the same Wi-Fi access point. This access point must be enabled for Bonjour services. Once these conditions are met, you may establish a Wi-Fi connection using the steps described in the following sections.

A primeira versão beta foi liberada pela Apple há exatas duas semanas.

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