A empresa japonesa ADC Technology registrou no dia 4 de março um processo contra diversas fabricantes de handsets, incluindo Apple, LG, US Cellular, HTC, Exedea e Nokia.
As companhias são acusadas de infringir três patentes de “Comunicadores Portáteis”, as quais a ADC — especializada em desenvolver tecnologias e vender produtos de comunicação sem fio — detém desde 1995.
Eis o resumo da invenção:
This communicator makes it possible for the user to do telephone, facsimile, and data communication at any location. On a pen input device, a space eye 2, a telephone control system, a facsimile control system, and a data transmission system are mounted. All of them are operated by an input pen 55 or the space eye 2. The pen input device is connected to a wireless telephone equipment 7, and can be connected to a desired party through the public communication channel. In order to make the most of the equipment of a GPS user, the GPS user device 8 is connected to the pen input device 3. The current location of the GPS user is found through the GPS user device 8, and the data on the current location is transmitted to the party. Further, to make this communicator usable in any country, it is provided with means to connect it to a wireless telephone network of an individual service area of the country.
A Apple — cuja acusação envolve todas as gerações do iPhone — ainda não se pronunciou sobre a questão, mas uma audiência do caso já foi marcada para 23 de abril.
[via The Loop]