O melhor pedaço da Maçã.

Steve Jobs mais uma vez recomenda Android para quem busca pornografia

Na sessão de perguntas e respostas da keynote de apresentação do iPhone OS 4.0, Steve Jobs já tinha dito que quem quer pornografia deveria adquirir um aparelho com Android. O sistema operacional e loja de apps do Google são abertos e recebem todo tipo de conteúdo — inclusive adulto, acessível por crianças e adolescentes.


Ontem, respondendo a mais um email enviado por um consumidor, Jobs reiterou seu posicionamento. Eis a mensagem enviada por Matthew Browning, que reclama sobre o julgamento moral imposto pela Apple na sua App Store:


I was converted to Apple products with the announcement of the iPhone 3G. (My friends have been trying to convince me for years.) Since then I’ve purchased 4 iPhones, 2 computers, several routers, and miscellaneous other items. Unfortunately, I’m really starting to have a philosophical issue with your company. It appears that more and more Apple is determining for it’s consumers what content they should be able to receive. For instance, the blocking of Mark Fiore’s comic app (due to being political satire) or blocking of what Apple considers to be porn.

I’m all for keeping porn out of kids hands. Heck – I’m all for ensuring that I don’t have to see it unless I want to. But… that’s what parental controls are for. Put these types of apps into categories and allow them to be blocked by their parents should they want to.

Apple’s role isn’t moral police – Apple’s role is to design and produce really cool gadgets that do what the consumer wants them to do.

Thanks for listening


Rapidamente, Matthew recebeu uma resposta do CEO da Maçã (o destaque é meu):

Fiore’s app will be in the store shortly. That was a mistake. However, we do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone. Folks who want porn can buy and Android phone.

A questão do cartunista Mark Fiore, nós já cobrimos aqui. Quanto ao assunto “pornografia”, Jobs realmente crê que a Apple tem uma responsabilidade moral de manter esse tipo de conteúdo longe do iPhone. E assim será.

[via TechCrunch]

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