O melhor pedaço da Maçã.

Vídeo: paródia de “Beat It”, de Michael Jackson, coloca iPads e iPhones em briga via Twitter

Depois de “Mac vs. PC” em versão rap e do rap “I’m on a Mac”, os Pantless Knights estão de volta com mais uma superprodução de primeira.


Divirtam-se com “Tweet It” — óbvia e evidentemente, uma paródia de “Beat It”, do astro Michael Jackson. A temática? Uma briga entre gangues de usuários de iPads e de iPhones, hehehe. 😉


Eis a letra completa, original:


I told you, don’t write no more letters to me
Don’t wanna read no more, You know I’m A.D.D.
I start to watch Glee, it’s really fast on 4G
So tweet it, just tweet it
You better type, you better do it real fast
Don’t go above the 140 letter max
Remember some devices do not support Flash
So tweet it, while you’re clearin your cache!
Just tweet it, tweet it, tweet it, tweet it
Justin Bieber gets defeated!
We’re all micro-bloggers, with a device
In YouTube comments, we win the fights
Just tweet it, tweet it
Just tweet it, tweet it
Just tweet it, tweet it
Just tweet it, tweet it
You wanna go beyond emoticon frowns
Don’t wanna use a gun, your twitter gets a round
You’re Siskel and you’re Ebert, please don’t put your thumbs down
So Tweet it, just tweet it
You got an iPhone and you gotta be glad
Until you saw your Dad whip out his new iPad
You want an iPatch, gonna be the new fad
So Tweet it, cuz you gotta beat Dad!
[Guitar Solo] CHORUS
Tweet it, tweet it, tweet it, tweet it
Kids with A.D.D. can read it
Show ’em, they’re hungry, for your insight
It doesn’t matter, if you can’t write
Tweet it, tweet it, tweet it, tweet it
Get this hashtag retweeted!
Trends that keep rockin’, with you all night
ROTFL from Pantless Knights!

Haja criatividade… e tempo pra fazer essas coisas. 😉

[via Mashable]

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